How to run Google ads

Google ads

Google ads is the Name of pay par click as you can see the pay means its paid media advertising which allow people to run their ad on the google and make their business wider and reach the goal of audience with the help of google ads we can advertise whole word while sitting from only one place in this guide we will discuss about the how to create google ads step by step .

Google ads

Signup for google ads account

We have to signup in Google ads account and for signup we need a Gmail Id and we can signup manually or we can go with email id and with google also  After the sign up we will reach on the google ads dashboard And you will have to setup the billing account also like how would you like to pay from upi & Credit cards

Google ads


Research and strategy

  • Market and competitor research: research the market Trend the based on your business and what is your audience is looking for and what is your competitor is doing on market
  • Identifying your target audience You have to identify your audience like which kind of the audience is good for your business so that you can get a good Return on investment (ROI)
  • Setting clear campaign goals and objectives: you have to select the campaign objective which means what is goal of running ads on google And set all the objective in google ads
  • Budget planning and allocation: In the budget section you should select and tell the google what is daily limit for ads spending and how long you would like to plan your google ads run make sure to run the google ads at least for 7 days to get better result and understand the ads ROI
  • Choosing the right campaign type :you have to choose the right type of campaign like which kind of ad you want to run search ads ,Video ads, Shopping, Lead generation ads etc.

Campaign Setup

While setting up your first Google ads campaign  you have to select the location in which location you would like to run ads ,language In which language you want to show your ads and schedule your ads like on which day you want to publish your ads And on which platfrom you want to run the ads like google and YouTube

Google ads

Keyword Research and Selection

we will have to research the keyword and for keyword research there are various tools available like Ubersugesst ,SEMrush Aherf, answer the public we have to keep remember to find the keyword which ahs low competition but high search volume This kind of keyword is helping to us reach and in the best audience for our business. in google ads .Keyword research is the most important part for creating a great and result based campaign if you are not select the right keyword you will not get the best result from your campaign so keep remember do the keyword research  wisely

Google ads

Creating Compelling Ad Copy

A. Tips for Writing Attention-Grabbing Ad Headlines:

  1. Be Concise: Keep your headline short and to the point. Google Ads often have character limits, so use your space wisely.
  2. Include Keywords: Incorporate relevant keywords into your headline to make it clear what your ad is about.
  3. Highlight Unique Selling Points (USPs): Showcase what sets your product or service apart from the competition. Why should users click on your ad?
  4. Use Numbers and Symbols: Numbers and symbols (such as %, $, or emojis) can make your headline stand out and convey information quickly.
  5. Create a Sense of Urgency: Phrases like “Limited Time Offer” or “Act Now” can encourage users to take immediate action.
  6. Ask a Question: Pose a question that piques the user’s curiosity or addresses their pain points.
  7. Use Action Verbs: Employ strong action verbs that inspire users to take action, like “Buy,” “Get,” or “Discover.”
  8. Tailor to Your Audience: Consider the specific needs and interests of your target audience when crafting headlines.

B. Tips for Crafting Persuasive Ad Descriptions:

  1. Focus on Benefits: Explain how your product or service benefits the user. What problems does it solve, or what needs does it fulfill?
  2. Use Persuasive Language: Employ persuasive words and phrases like “free,” “exclusive,” or “best in class.”
  3. Highlight Features: Mention key features or specifications that make your product or service appealing.
  4. Match the Landing Page: Ensure that the ad description aligns with the content on the landing page to maintain consistency.
  5. Address Objections: Anticipate potential objections and address them within the ad description to build trust.
  6. Include a Call to Action (CTA): Encourage users to take the desired action, whether it’s “Shop Now,” “Learn More,” or “Request a Quote.”
  7. Emphasize Social Proof: If applicable, mention positive reviews, ratings, or endorsements to build credibility.
  8. A/B Test Variations: Create multiple ad descriptions and test them to see which resonates best with your audience.

C. Tips for Incorporating Ad Extensions for Enhanced Visibility:

    1. Use Sitelink Extensions: Add relevant sitelinks to direct users to specific pages on your website, such as product categories, services, or contact information.
    2. Include Callout Extensions: Highlight additional benefits or unique features of your products or services with callout extensions.
    3. Utilize Structured Snippet Extensions: Showcase specific aspects of your offerings, like product types, brands, or service categories.
    4. Location Extensions: If you have a physical presence, enable location extensions to display your business address and phone number.
    5. Price Extensions: Display pricing information for specific products or services to attract cost-conscious users.
    6. Review Extensions: Showcase positive reviews and ratings to build trust and credibility.
    7. Call Extensions: Make it easy for mobile users to contact you directly by adding call extensions with a clickable phone number.
    8. A/B Test Extensions: Experiment with different combinations of extensions to see which ones perform best in driving clicks and conversions.

Landing Page Optimization

Optimize your landing page better and make it responsive and informative



Congratulations! You’ve just embarked on a journey to become a Google Ads expert. We’ve covered a lot of ground in this comprehensive guide, from setting up your campaigns to crafting persuasive ads and utilizing extensions for maximum visibility. But before we part ways, let’s summarize some key takeaways:


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